07 october 2022
Realtime remote data entry -
Pilot on board!
Realtime remote data entry - Pilot on board!

Decision making on data of good quality is crucial for companies in the Maritime Logistics industry, especially in rough times we are facing today. Thorough data analytics is essential and can drive decisions being more efficient. Having this data when needed is a challenge for every company. To ensure high quality data, automated processes are needed to record timely, accurate and complete at the source. Therefore, organizations demand more of their integration technology to provide this critical data. The focus of IT must expand from serving internal needs, like efficiency and cost control, to engaging with external customers and creating new business opportunities.

With Flex Maritime Logistics based on Microsoft D365, Ultimate Maritime Logistics offers a unique platform of modern integration technology. Mobile app integrations can provide enhanced transparency, enabling users to respond on time and take the right decision. This can be pilots going on board at a vessel, reach-stacker drivers on a terminal moving containers or workers handling cargo in a warehouse. In all examples real-time registrations are creating high quality data that can be transformed into valuable information. This can help you get better control of your business.

Customers have the same need for insight and data. Self-service options in our logistics system ensure better visibility & transparency of services. B2B integrations or web applications enable customers to become part of your ecosystem. These contributions and insights lead to better customer satisfaction and loyalty. A win-win which benefits the efficiency of both parties.

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Ultimate Maritime Logistics

Maanlander 33
3824 MN Amersfoort
The Netherlands

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