Technology can improve the customer experience of the liner shipping industry
Technology can improve the customer experience of the liner shipping industry

 With the rapid pace of change in the liner industry, technology is an essential and useful way to address the new demands. To make the customer experience a real success, technology comes into play and can add value for many organizations. In order to improve the service level, the liner industry should be focusing on electronic customer platforms such as electronic data interchanges or EDI’s. In this matter, information can be easily shared, and this improves the customer experience. The trend of digitization is happening as today! The customers of the liner industry feel the need to get a grip on their processes. They want to have access to relevant data anywhere and anytime. Create transparency!

The need for technology was also underlined by Ocean Network Express (ONE) CEO Jeremy Nixon at the annual Maritime Technology Conference sees two main ways technology can be applied. Firstly to improve the customer experience through improvements in supply chain visibility and better inventory control, and secondly to improve the company’s own processes and efficiency.

They formulated five areas where technology is key: analytics and artificial intelligence, robotics and automation, the Internet of Things (IOT), drone technology and blockchain.

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As a Microsoft Gold Partner, Ultimate Software is always ahead of new technologies. FlexShip is an ERP solution build to cater to the requirements and needs of today’s Maritime business. FlexShip is developed in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform. Together with our professional and innovative team of data lovers, we are ready to optimize the customer experience for your company!


For example, Ultimate Software created for Seatrade a customer portal and app. Interested in the details? Read here!

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