Website 1juni
1 june 2023
Digitization in the maritime industry
Digitization in the maritime industry

Although digitization in the maritime industry still has a lot of strides to make, there has been quite an advance. And it is expected that this digital technology will continue to boom. For example, shipping companies and cargo operators increasingly need insight into:

  • Real-time operating results, on for example voyage, ship or container
  • Timing and weight of handled cargo
  • Data on maintenance of assets
  • Early detection of faults to prevent downtime
  • Fuel saving opportunities and CO2 reduction

Because the maritime supply chain is so complex, there is a lot to digitize. Being able to work data-driven is key to maintaining a competitive position in the market.

Ultimate Maritime Logistics does not call this digitalization, but Ultimate Control. Data-driven, predictable and the ability to respond quickly to changes in the process.

We offer an all-in-one ERP solution for the maritime sector. Especially for companies that want to be at the forefront and make real strides in their business efficiency.

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Ultimate Maritime Logistics

Maanlander 33
3824 MN Amersfoort
The Netherlands

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